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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Katie's Update

Hey, guys! My turn :) Sorry we've been gone so long; things have been really busy since school started, and I honestly don't think Kyle and I knew what to write about since we aren't together a majority of the time right now.

We have both been doing well, so now I'll give you an update on what I've been up to. I'm currently volunteering at the Children's Assessment Center in Houston as part of my child psychology class. It's sort of a safe haven for abused children, and I'm really enjoying it. Sometimes you can learn more from kids than you can from adults. These kids have been through a lot, but you would never know it. They are always smiling and making me laugh. If you need volunteer hours or are just looking for something rewarding to do with your time I really encourage you to look into the CAC.
I'll never forget what a little girl told me when she asked about my disability: "Well, everyone has a disability. Some are just easier to see than others." That's some 10 year old wisdom right there. We should all take note.

Other than that, I've just been busy with school and the usual. Now, if any of you guys have any questions for Kyle or me or ideas for future posts, please feel free to comment. For those of you that read the blog through Facebook, you can always shoot us a message. Again, we need ideas for posts, so we'd love to have your input. I would like to do question and answer posts, so ask away!

Until next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! This is such a sweet blog - it's great to hear both of your stories! If you are ever interested in getting involved in the cerebral palsy community, or you ever need any medical or legal resources, check out Cerebral Palsy Family Network! It's a great site for all things CP. Anyway, keep updating, it's great to hear from you!
